
Beyond Ideology: Measuring the Impact of Cultural Beliefs and Values on Political and Economic Development — 2 Comments

  1. To not have any statements about Islamicist compatibility with democracy, whether Imai or Khawar, or any editorial comments, is not only obscurantist, but irresponsible to the ideals of both Christianity and a Free Enterprise Republic.
    The horrific destruction and genocide of Christians and other peoples of faith, in the name of a Caliphate, as well as the untold oppression of women and sexual exploitation of children and women (the child bride)and the practices of polygamy, are confirmation of the incompatibility of many forms of Islam with a democracy or modern political economy.

  2. See the text, “A Battle for the Soul of Islam” by Dr.Zuhdi Jasser,
    a foremost expert on Islam, who is leading a Reform Muslim
    movement in America (American Islamic Forum for Democracy.) He
    discusses the problems within aspects of Orthodox Islam and Sharia Law.
    Since he is Muslim, born in Syria, his analysis is in-depth and
    able to understand the tensions within the Muslim community about
    their values and cultural traditions, as well as the political ideology.

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