(Entries follow this format: 3:14, namely, No. 3, p. 14.)


Abeles, Thomas P., “Comment on Politics, Economics and Morality,” 1:58.
Dickens, Bill and Gray, Kenneth, “Comment on Hegemonic Participation in Peacekeeping Operations,” 2:61.
Gray, Kenneth and Dickens, Bill, “Comment on Hegemonic Participation in Peacekeeping Operations,” 2:61.
Kwarteng, Charles, “Author’s Response to Reviewer’s Comments: Africa and the PLO-Israeli Peace Initiative,” 4:49.
Lança, Patricia, “Comment on Postmodernism: Old Wine in New Bottles?” 3:41.
Lutabingwa, Jesse, Comments on Africa and the PLO-Israel Peace Initiative,” 4:46.
Walsh, Thomas G., “Reflections on the Antecedents of Post-Modernism,” 3:35.
Walsh, William J., Compromise on Jerusalem, 2:3.


Bloomfiled, Masse, “There Will Be No World War III!” 4:53.
Bryant, M. Darrol, “Meditations on Peace in a Planetary Society,”, 1:21.
Choudhury, Masadul Alam, “Economic Integration in the Sextet Region and the
Middle East Peace Accord,” 2:67.
Gafurov, A.A., “Politics, Economics and Morality: A Model for Social Development,” 1:43.
Gupta, Anirudha, “Issues in South Asia,” 4:3.
Ihonvbere, Julius O. and Shaw, Carolyn, “Hegemonic Participation in the Peace-keeping Operations: The Case of Nigeria and ECOMOG,” 2:31.
Kando, Tom, “Postmodernism: Old Wine in New Bottles?” 3:3.
Kaplan, Morton A., “How to Theorize about International Politics,” 1:3.
Knappert, Jan, “From Family to Nation: An Essay on the Evolution of Human Society,” 3:65. Errata, 4:2.
Kwarteng, Charles, “Africa and the PLO-Israeli Peace Initiatives: Payoffs, Pitfalls, and Paradoxes,” 4:17.
Rothman, Stanley, “The Mass Media and Democratic Well Being in the United States,” 3:49.
Shaw, Carolyn and Ihonvbere, Julius O., “Hegemonic Participation in the Peace-keeping Operations: The Case of Nigeria and ECOMOG,” 2:31.
Shtromas, Alexandras, “Nations, States and World Peace: Rejoinder,” 1:63.
Venter, Albert, “The South African Search for Peace and Unity,” 2:7.


Cohen, Robin, ed., The Cambridge Survey of World Migration, 3:89.
Ehrlich, Paul and Anne, Betrayal of Science and Reason: How Anti-Environmental Rhetoric Threatens Our Future, 4:79.
Goldblat, Jozef, Arms Control: A Guide to Negotiations and Agreements, 4:87.
Kolko, Gabriel, Century of War: Politics, Conflict and Society Since 1914, 2:87.
Love, Vaughn and Malgasia Fitzmaurice, eds., Fifty Years of the International Court of Justice: Essays in Honor of Sir Robert Jennings, 2:87.
Marr, Phebe and William Lewis, eds., Riding the Tiger: The Middle East Challenge After the Cold War, 2:92.
Ohmae, Kenichi, The End of the Nation State: The Rise of Regional Economies, 4:75.
Rothstein, Robert L., ed., The Evolution of Theory in International Relations, 1:93.
Schopflin, George, Politics in Western Europe, 4:83.
Tong, Diane, Gypsies: A Multidisciplinary Annotated Bibliography, 3:91.


Gray, Kenneth R., 4:75.
Laska, Vera, 3:89, 3:91.
Meyer, Howard N., 2:87.
Menon, P.K., 1:93, 2:92, 4:83, 4:87.
Singer, S. Fred, 4:79.


Volume XIII, 1996 — No Comments

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