(Entries follow this format: 3:14, namely, No. 3, p. 14.)
Ahmed, Mohammed Salah, “From War Among Clans to War on Terror: Internationalization of the Somali Conflict,” 3:9.
Babatunde, Abosede Omowumi, Metin Ersoy, Leon Miller, and Stephanie Thiel, “Co-creating Sustainable Peace in Nigeria: Applying Prior Success of Peace Journalism,” 2:11.
Bamidele, Sean, “Islamic Insurgency in Nigeria: Perceptions from Religious Ideologies,” 2:37.
Dar, Muzammil Ahad, “Southern Asia Strategic Triangle: Deterrence Then and Now,” 4:5.
Hailu, Solomon, “The Indivisibility of Peace and the Role of South Africa as a Regional Power,” 2:53.
Islam, Md. Nazmul and Esra Eymen Cansu, “BRI, CPEC, and Pakistan: A Qualitative Content Analysis on China’s Grand Strategies”, 3:35.
Kipgen, Nehginpao, “Myanmar’s Perspective on the Rohingya Crisis,” 1:43.
Rohingya Crisis Organizing Committee, “Rohingya Crisis Concluding Statement,” 1:71.
Roy, Sangeeta, “The Archaeological and Historical Validation of Rohingya Citizenship in Burma,” 1:7.
Pokhariyal, Ganesh Prasad, “Importance of Spiritual Happiness at the Workplace,” 3:65.
Porter, Jack, “Between Hope and Despair: Jewish Refugees after WWII and the Syrian Refugee Crisis,” 4:69.
Sangsuvan, Kitsuron, “Resolving the Conflict on the Korean Peninsula by Preventive Diplomacy,” 4:27.
Sejan, Sajjat Sakhawat, “Analyzing the Legal Issue in the Rohingya Crisis: A Bangladesh Perspective,” 1:23.
Standard, Gina, “Multilateral Diplomacy in the age of COVID-19,” 4:59.
Swazo, Norman K., “Special Issue on the Rohingya Crisis,” 1:3.
Braithwaite, John and Bina D’Costa, Cascades of Violence: War, Crime, and Peacebuilding Across South Asia, 1:77.
Brundage, W. Fitzhugh, Civilizing Torture: An American Tradition, 1:81.
David, Lea, The Past Can’t Heal Us: The Dangers of Mandating Memory in the Name of Human Rights, 4:81.
Douglas, Mark, Christian Pacifism for an Environmental Age, 4:89.
Hazony, Yoram, The Virtue of Nationalism, 2:77.
Keethaponcalan, S.I., Conflict Resolution: An Introduction to Third Party Intervention, 3:87.
Landman, Janet, Looking for Revolution, Finding Murder: The Crimes and Transformation of Katherine Ann Power, 1:79.
McIntosh, Steve, Developmental Politics: How America Can Grow into a Better Version of Itself, 3:75.
Robinson, Geoffrey, The Killing Season: A History of Indonesian Massacre, 1965-66, 2:80.
Rothberg, Michael, The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and Perpetrators, 1:85.
White, Doug, Wounded Charity: Lessons from the Wounded Warrior Project Crisis, 4:85.
Wolverton, Mark, Burning the Sky: Operation Argus and the Untold Story of the Cold War Nuclear Tests in Outer Space, 4:92
Cooney, Barbara Leigh, 4:92.
Cunliffe, Rachel Halfrida, 3:79.
Gill, Diana Clark, 1:81.
Hosler, Nathan, 4:89.
Keegan, Brittnay, 4:85.
Lancaster, Guy, 1:85, 4:81.
Rinker, Jeremy, 1:77.
Royster, Michael D., 3:87.
Singh, Katyayani and Anoop Swarup, 2:80.
Trubshaw, Don, 2:77, 3:75.