(Entries follow this format: 3:14, namely, No. 3, p. 14.)
* Adjangba, Moise A., “Democratic Transition and the African Renaissance in Sub-Saharan Africa,” 3:45.
* Bahgat, Gawdat, “Stability in the Persian Gulf: The Water Dimension,” 1:51.
* Beggan, Dominic and Rathnam Indurthy, “The Conflict in Northern Ireland and the Clinton Administration’s Role,” 4:3.
* Beres, Louis René, “Death, the Herd, and Human Survival,” 3:3.
* Dossou-Yovo, Noel, “The Experience of Benin,” 3:59.
* Garrett, Stephen A., “Flight From Responsibility: America Opts Out at Rome,” 1:19.
* Jerome, Norge W., “Communicating Peace and Social Justice Through Families, Worldwide,” 1:65.
* Kaloudis, George, “Cyprus the Enduring Conflict,” 1:3.
* Lecuana, Rafael A., “Economic Integration: NAFTA and MERCOSUR, and Comparative Analysis,” 4:27.
* Malone-France, Derek, “Universal Human Rights, Federalism, and the International Criminal Court,” 1:31.
* Matthew, Richard A., and Ken R. Rutherford, “Banning Landmines in the American Century,” 2:23.
* Musambachime, Mwela C., “The Role of the UN Secretary General in Conflict Resolution in the Gulf,” 2:37.
* Osaghae, Eghosa E., “Conflict Research in Africa,” 4:53.
* Shabazz, Daaim, “Internet Politics and the Creation of a Virtual World,” 3:27.
* Skinner, Elliott P., “Child Soldiers in Africa: A Disaster for Future Families,” 2:7.
* Alonso, Marcelo, “Comment on Internet Politics and the Creation of a Virtual World, 3:40.
* Anderson, Gordon L., “Comment on Death, the Herd, and Human Survival,” 3:22.
* Kaplan, Morton A., “Comment on the International Criminal Court,” 2:3.
* Lecuona, Rafael A., “Comments about the Conflict between the Landed and the Landless in Brazil,” 2:4.
* Shabazz, Daaim, “Rejoinder to Professor Alonso’s Comments,” 3:43.
* Ward, Thomas J., “Comment on `Economic Integration: NAFTA and MERCOSUR’,” 4:50.
* Brunamonti, Luigi, “The Last Balkan Crises and the Right of Humanitarian Intervention,” 4:73.
* Cohen, Elliott A., “Vietnam Redux,” 4:83.
* Hosmer, Clark, “Kosovo Lessons Could Lead to Safeguarding Civilization,” 4:80.
* Anderson, Mary B., No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace or War, 3:85.
* Armon, Jeremy and Liz Philipson, eds., Demanding Sacrifice: War and Negotiation in Sri Lanka, 3:87.
* Auerbach, Ann Hagedorn, Ransom, the Untold Story of International Kidnapping, 1:91.
* Avruch, Kevin, Culture and Conflict Resolution, 2:81.
* Burg, Steven L. and Paul S. Shoup, The War in Bosnia-Heregovina: Ethnic Conflict and International Intervention, 4:89.
* Benjamin R. Barber, Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism are Reshaping the World, 1:85.
* Galtung, Johan, Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization, 3:81.
* Gleditsch, Nils Peter, Adne Cappelen, and Olav Bjerkholt, The Wages of Peace: Disarmament in a Small Industrialized Economy, 3:81.
* Kirisci, Kemal and Gareth Winrow, The Kurdish Question and Turkey: An Example of Trans-State Ethnic Conflict, 1:88.
* Korn, David A., Exodus Within Borders, An Introduction to the Crisis of Internal Displacement, 2:78.
* Roodman, David Malin, The Natural Wealth of Nations: Harnessing the Market for the Environment, 2:84.
* Weeden, Curt, Corporate Social Investing: The Breakthrough Strategy for Giving and Getting Corporate Contributions, 3:90.
* Weiner, Eugene, ed., The Handbook of Interethnic Coexistence, 2:75.
Gray, Doris H., 3:85.
Gray, Kenneth R., 1:85, 3:90.
Herman, Theodore, 4:89.
Laska, Vera, 1:91, 2:78.
Musambachime, Mwelwa C., 2:81.
Shestra, Nanda R., 2:84.
Shirley, Sheryl, 3:81.
Wadlow, Rene V.L., 1:88, 2:75, 3:87.
Volume XVI, 1999 — No Comments
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