(Entries follow this format: 3:14, namely, No. 3, p. 14.)


Anderson, Gordon L., Comment on “What is Peace and How Could It Be Achieved,” 1:40
Anderson, Gordon L., Decouple “Nations” from the Territorial State, 4:69.
Cohen, Elliot A., NATO: Dissolution, Enlargement or Neither?, 2:13.
Ebeling, Richard M., World Peace, International Order, and Classical Liberalism, 4:47.
Harris, Paul, G., Rejoinder to Singer, 2:54.
Kaplan, Morton A., Senator Fulbright and the Arrogance of Power, 1:9.
Kaplan, Morton A., The Misleading Issue of War Guilt, 2:3.
Meyer, Howard N., El Salvador Peace Process, 4:3.
Nieli, Russell, Van Cleemput’s “Clarifying Nationalism,” 1:78.
Singer, J. David, Law Peace and Global Goverenance, 4:43.
Singer, S. Fred, Ozone Science Misused, 2:47.
Shtromas, Aleksandras, Rejoinder to Anderson, 1:49.
Shtromas, Aleksandras, Rejoinder to Singer, Ebeling, Anderson and van den Berghe, 4:85
Thomas, T. Mathai, Modernity and the Hindu Joint Family System, 1:3.
Van Cleemput, Geert, Rejoinder to Nieli, 1:88.
van den Berghe, Pierre L., Of Territory, Nations and States, 4:79.


Harris, Paul G., Ozone Diplomacy Revisited: Did Morality Influence United States Policy? 2:17.
Humphreys, David B., Reaching a Compromise on Jerusalem, 4:5.
Joubran, Raymond, The Economic Reality of the Arabs in Israel, 2:67.
Knappert, Jan, The Greek Origin of European Culture, 3:39.
Nguyen, Bich Ngoc and William James Stover, Normalization of Relations Between the United States and Vietnam, 4:25.
Parmanand, Suryia K., Black Universities in South Africa: The Problem of Standards, 2:61.
Partington, Geoffrey, Families and Education: Reform from Above or Below? 1:49.
Shils, Edward, Some of the Modern Roots of Liberal Democracy, 3:3.
Shtromas, Aleksandras, What is Peace and How Could It Be Achieved? 1:15.
Stover, William James, see Nguyen, Bich Ngoc.
Van Cleemput, Geert, Clarifying Nationalism, Chauvinism, and Ethnic Imperialism, 1:59.


Arad, Yitzak, ed., The Pictorial History of the Holocaust, 4:117.
Brown, Seyom, International Relations in a Changing System: Toward a Theory of World Polity, 4:114.
Eco, Umberto, Misreadings, 4:109.
Heraclides, Alexis, The Self-Determination of Minorities in International Politics, 1:112.
Jennings, Sir Robert and Sir Arthur Watts (eds.), Oppenheim’s International Law, Volume I: Peace (Ninth Edition), 3:90.
Kittrie, Nicholas N., The War Against Authority, 4:109.
Kozol, Jonathan, Amazing Grace, 2:89.
LaForte, Robert S., Ronald E. Marcello, and Richard L. Himmel, eds., With Only the Will to Live: Accounts of Americans in Japanese Prison Camps, 1941-1945, 3:88.
Lind, Michael, The Next American Nation, 4:109.
McKnight, John, The Carless Society, 2:89.
Miyamoto, Misao, Straightjacket Society: An Insider’s View of Bureaucratic Japan, 1:109.
Norris, Donald F. and Lyle Thompson, The Politics of Welfare Reform, 2:89.
Ray, James Lee, Democracy and International Conflict: An Evaluation of the Democratic Peace Proposition, 3:81.
Rice, Howard C., Jr., Thomas Jefferson’s Paris, 1:122.
Rossman, Parker, The Emerging Worldwide Electronic University, 3:83.
Strausz-Hupé, Democracy and American Foreign Policy: Reflections on the Legacy of Alexis De Tocqueville, 1:120.
Tetreault, Mary Ann, ed., Women and Revolution in Africa, Asia, and the New World, 4:105.
Tiffin, John and Lalita Rajasingham, In Search of the Virtual Class, 3:83.
Williams, Lisa, ed., The Grants Register: 1995-1997, 3:93.


Ables, Thomas P., 2:89, 3:83, 4:109.
Anderson, Gordon L., 3:81.
Cohen, Elliott, A., 1:120.
Klein, Donald W., 1:109
Laska, Vera, 1:122, 3:88, 3:93, 4:117.
Menon, P.K., 1:112, 1:115, 3:90, 4:105, 4:114.


Volume XII, 1995 — No Comments

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