(Entries follow this format: 3:14, namely, No. 3, p. 14.)


* Abeles, Tom P., “Technology, Globalization and the University,” 3:29.
* Abrams, Elliott, “Rights, Wrongs, and the Assault on the Family,” 2:31.
* Beres, Louis René, “Human Transformations and International Law,” 3:55.
* Berger, Brigitte, “The Civilization-Building Role of the Nuclear Family in Historical Perspective,” 2:21.
* Chew, Phyllis Giam Lian, “The Challenge of Unity: Women, Peace and Power,” 4:29.
* Emizet, Kisagani N.F., “Rebels vs. Democrats in Power: How to Establish Regional Security and Cooperation in Central Africa,” 1:51.
* Kaloudis, George, “The Search for Global Order,” 1:3.
* Kittrie, Nicholas N., “Family Protection and Human Rights: Complementary Objectives or Collision Course?,” 2:17.
* López-Garay, Hernán, “After the Moral Foundations of the Family in the Present,” 2:41.
* Momayezi, Nasser, “Civil-Military Relations in Turkey,” 3:3.
* Roshwald, Mordecai, “NATO—Where To?,” 3:45.
* Sallinger-McBride, Jan and Lia K. Roberts, “Conflict Between the Landed and the Landless in Brazil,” 4:61.
* Sherover, Charles M., “Forming the Mind of Modernity,” 1:23.
* Tarzi, Shah M., “The Role of Principles, Norms, and Regimes in World Affairs,” 4:5.
* White, Timothy J., “American Participation in NAFTA: Economic Incentives, Influence, and Domestic Politics,” 4:43.

* Cohen, Elliott A., “At a Glance: The International Criminal Court,” 4:3.
* Emizet, Kisagani N.F., “Rebels vs. Democrats in Power: A Rejoinder,” 2:10.
* Kando, Tom M., “Commentary on `After the Moral Foundations of the Family in the Present’,” 2:65.
* Lutabingwa, Jesse, “Cultural Pluralism, the Cold War, and Africa’s Integration in the World Economy,” 2:3.
* Shaw, Carolyn M., “Commentary on `Rebels vs. Democrats in Power’,” 4:84.

* Garza, Cecilia, “Spain’s Mobilization Against Terrorism,” 4:91.
* Hosmer, Clark, “Can 185 Nations Make and Keep the Peace?,” 4:100.

* Chayes, Abram and Antonia Handler Chayes, editors, Preventing Conflict in the Post-Communist World: Mobilizing International and Regional Organizations, 1:91.
* Clément, Sophia, Conflict Prevention in the Balkans: Case Studies of Kosovo and the FYR of Macedonia, 2:77.
* Ehrenreich, Barbara, Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War, 4:111.
* Goltz, Thomas, Azerbaijan Diary: A Rogue Reporter’s Adventures in an Oil-Rich, War-Torn, Post-Soviet Republic, 2:82.
* Hampson, Fen Osler and Judith Reppy, Earthly Goods: Envronmental Change and Social Justice, 3:85.
* Ruder, Cynthia A., Making History for Stalin: The Story of the Belomor Canal, 2:89.
* Smith, Anne-Marie, Advances in Understanding International Peacemaking, 2:79.
* Stremlau, John and Francisco R. Sagasti, Preventing Deadly Conflict: Does the World Bank Have a Role?, 3:81.
* Vitz, Paul C., The Course of True Love: Marriage in the High School Textbooks, 4:114.

* Anderson, Gordon L., 4:111, 4:114.
* Gray, Doris, 1:91.
* Gray, Kenneth R., 3:81.
* Laska, Vera, 2:82, 2:89.
* Shestra, Nanda R., 3:85.
* Wadlow, Rene V.L., 2:77, 2:79.


Volume XV, 1998 — No Comments

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